报告题目:Convergence properties for a class of generalized Schrödinger Operators
报告摘要:In this talk, I will give some convergence results about a class of generalized Schrödinger operators. Firstly, we consider the pointwise convergence for a class of generalized Schrödinger operators with suitable perturbations, and convergence rate for a class of generalized Schrödinger operators with polynomial growth. As applications, we obtain the sharp convergence result for Boussinesq operator and Beam operator in R^2. Secondly, we establish non-tangential convergence results for Schrödinger operators along restricted curves. We consider the relationship between the dimension of this kind of approach region and the regularity for the initial data which implies convergence. Finally, we also consider pointwise convergence of sequences of Schrödinger means and non-elliptic Schrödinger means. In fact, convergence of sequences of Schrödinger means is based on investigating properties of Schrödinger type maximal functions related to hypersurfaces with vanishing Gaussian curvature.
邀 请 人:孙小春副教授
李文娟,博士,西北工业大学理学院副教授,硕士生导师。2015年6月博士毕业于德国基尔大学,从师于世界著名调和分析专家Detlef Mueller教授(1998年世界数学家大会45分钟报告者),7月入职西北工业大学理学院应用数学系。2018年1月-2月受著名调和分析专家Xiaochun Li教授和Shaoming Guo博士的邀请以访问学者身份访问美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校和印第安纳大学伯明顿分校。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、陕西省自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金和中央高校基金五个项目。主要从事调和分析中算子有界性估计方面的工作,如多线性算子及其相关的极大算子和交换子,Fourier乘子算子,与超曲面相关的极大算子等,已在J. Math. Pure. Appl.,Forum Math.,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,Studia Math.等国际知名数学期刊上以第一作者身份发表SCI论文十余篇。目前利用调和分析前沿知识Polynomial partitioning, 结合经典的波包分解,在沿某类曲线的Schrödinger方程解的点态收敛性研究上取得了一些优秀成果。