应bat365在线平台官网登录邀请,法国巴黎八大Sihem Mesnager教授将为bat365官网作线上学术报告。
报告题目:Overview of cryptographic plateaued functions and their recent impact in coding theory
报告摘要:Plateaued functions have attracted much attention in the literature for their cryptographic interest. Many activities on those functions have been carried out but still designing them in a wide-open problem. This talk aims to give an overview and insights on plateaued functions by highlighting their recent applications in coding theory. Specifically, we shall introduce and discuss plateaued functions defined over finite fields by presenting some tools to handle them. Next, we discuss using those functions to derive linear codes with suitable parameters and for various applications.
报告地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:160 505 594)
邀 请 人:杜小妮教授
Sihem Mesnager教授博士毕业于法国巴黎六大,现为法国巴黎八大和巴黎高科国立高等电信学校双聘教授,其主要研究领域为离散数学、密码函数、编码理论、计算代数几何。她是国际期刊《International Journal of Information and Coding Theory (IJOCT)》和《Advances in Mathematics of Communications (AMC)》的主编,同时为《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (IEEE-IT)》,《Cryptography and Communications Discrete Structures and Boolean Functions and Sequences (CCDS)》,《International Journal of Computer Mathematics》,《RAIRO ITA (Theoretical Informatics and Applications)》、《International Journal of Computer Mathematics》的编委。在具有特殊密码学性质的布尔函数构造、良好线性码的构造等方面做出多项创新性成果,在《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、《Designs, Codes and Cryptography》、“ISIST”等国际顶级期刊和会议发表论文150多篇,并出版了密码函数、编码方面的两本专著。从2016年担任IEEE信息论法国论坛主席,并于2020年获得第一届国际乔治布尔奖。